This will be the fifth edition of BiDAS at BCAM headquarters. The event is back after a break due to the extraordinary COVID-19 circumstances. The first BiDAS was held on December 19th-20th, 2016 the Second BiDAS was held on November 17th-18th, 2017, the third edition on November 8th-9th, 2018 and the Fourth BiDAS on November 7th-8th.  Visit the previous BiDAS webpages at BiDAS 2016, BiDAS 2017, BiDAS 2018, BiDAS 2019.

The number of participants has increased from 50 in the first edition to 75 in the last. We aim to maintain a number of 75 participants for the fourth edition.
The organization of the workshop will be as follows. A total of five sessions will be organized in a two day workshop. For each session a keynote speaker from internationally recognized institutions in Europe will deliver a 1 hour talk on a topic followed by two invited talks of 30 minutes each. The scientific committee will encourage early stage researchers such as Master, PhD. Students and postdocs to submit a short abstract for poster presentations. The poster session (up to 10 posters) will be held on Thursday 8th in the evening.


More info

Thursday, June 08 2023.

Friday, June 09 2023.


Abstract submission start:
Apr 14 2023.
Abstract deadline:
May 19 2024.
Notification of abstract acceptance:
May 23 2024.
Registration start:
Apr 20 2023.
Registration deadline:
Aug 30 2024.